Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Encaustic Workshop

This weekend I am off to Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch 's encaustic workshop  to be held in Avondale looking forward to getting my hands waxy. Will keep you posted as to how it goes with photos.
Here is a taster of Patricia at Gordon Harris Art Shop.


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

             Fog over the harbour

This was taken going over Auckland harbour bridge from out of the car window.
It was a beautiful Autumn foggy morning with the sun just rising.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

There has been very little to report these last few weeks due to visitors arriving from Canada. The place has been buzzing with much coming and going and constant meals.
After a couple of days recovery time things are gradually getting back to normality.
    I took time out to attend a fibre, textile and metal art course and found it fascinating and fun. I really enjoyed this section designing in metal ( copper ) heating it to change it's colour to be later  integrated into other work.

To add more colour after heating we painted small areas with alcohol ink.